
Do you think that custom software development is the hardest and toughest challenge for any startup organisation?

Someone thinks in that way because it is seen that building an application that suits your business requirements and fulfill all the expectations is really difficult. It could be multiple reasons like outdated technology, low performance, delay in delivery etc. To define a custom software development, it is the designing and development of an application which focuses a group of people to address their needs. It could be non-profit or profit seeking applications, typically developed by a team with designers and developers.

The main advantage of going with custom software development instead of any off-the-shelf solution as custom software development provides you the flexibility of which off the shelf solution doesn’t support. Building an application which is very specific to the target customers can only be done through custom software development. It increases productivity as well as the efficiency of the system.

Custom Software Development
Custom Software Development

Expert Custom Software Development With Latest Cutting-Edge Technologies

We are technology partners for enterprises that lean on software to accomplish their business goals. For over a decade, we have crafted many custom-solutions to help our clients overcome challenges and respond aptly to competition.

We look at our legacy as a cumulation of learnings we draw from to execute projects. Our exposure is spread across varied, leading-edge technology stacks and platforms.

Whether it’s a web application, advanced software, mobile app development, all software projects involve a general process that we follow.

Our Unique Process

Problem Identification And Ideation

Before executing the actual building of the software, we consider your business problems and needs. This will ensure that the software will indeed streamline your processes and get it crafted in a way that provides the tailor-fit solution for these problems. This way, efficiency, and productivity will be increased. Inventory tracking, employee management, and customer information will be smoother.

Identifying the problem will then be the roadmap for software product ideation. By knowing your business needs, we will know what features and functionalities should get included in the software.

Detailed Study And Specification Outlining

With the problem now identified, it’s best to do deeper research on the possible ways it can be solved. By consulting software development experts, we will get options, weigh pros and cons, and decide the best solution to go for. Included in the study is the discussion of the developing team and your stakeholders, or those directly impacted by the software project.

Whether the team is in-house or nearshore, a detailed study must be done to craft the most tailor-fit custom software for the organization. During the back and forth, we also discuss the outlining of specifications to find out if all the functionalities needed are already included. It will also help gauge the budget, team member volume, and duration of the project.

Lastly, it’ll help cover technical corners that might later need attention when further expansion is necessary and help identify programming language skills needed for the project.


After specifying all the nitty-gritty of the custom software and all the arrangements agreed upon, it’s now time to do the design process. UI design is also necessary to ensure the software will be user-friendly. With a good user experience, our client will gain loyal customers, draw in others, and increase revenue.

The technical architecture of the product involves discussing the project concept, workflow diagrams, and even the technology stack needed in each phase. In this stage, we start breaking down phases into actionable modules and tasks.


This can be said as the most crucial part of the process. In this stage, the design is actualized and coding starts to build the bricks up the custom software.

How do we approach the actual project development? We either do:

  • Waterfall Project Management

    A slower approach that involves relying on QA and completion of the preceding tasks.

  • Agile Project Management

    A modern and versatile approach that finishes faster.

  • Scrum Project Management

    This is a derivative of the previous approach that proceeds by putting together small teams that hold oversight on specific tasks.

  • Kanban Project Management

    Another agile project management approach that is more focused on considering all the tasks and looking for ways to streamline the processes involved.

  • Lean Project Management

    Like Kanban, it focuses on streamlining processes. It’s customer-minded looking for ways to make the software more time-efficient and affordable for the users.

  • Six Sigma Project Management

    With this approach quality is the main focus. Its goal is to produce the best possible result.

Integration And Testing

With the project now built, it’s time to put it to action. We check whether it performs the way it should, works efficiently, and includes all the functionalities needed. This is also the time when beta testers are used to test out the quality of interaction. Additionally, here is where bugs are identified and fixed.


After ensuring its quality and functionality, it’s time to release it to its target users. At this stage, the development should already be confident about the stability, disability, and functionality of the custom software.

Support and Maintenance

Technical Support, bug fixes and regular monitoring.

What is Custom Software Development?

When organizations need applications with unique features and functionality, they turn to software developers to design and create custom solutions. Custom software addresses users’ specific needs more comprehensively than traditional off-the-shelf packages.

In other word, it can be defined as the process of designing, creating, deploying and maintaining applications that meet the unique business requirements of a specific company.

Custom Softeare Development

Here are some non-negligible factors of custom software development that contribute to making custom applications robust, future-ready, and performing.

Faster Adoption
The developed custom application has tailored business solutions and features and so organization-wide adoption is faster and training time and cost is comparatively less. The organization implementing the custom-developed software solution doesn’t need to change the way of working according to the software but the software solution is developed according to the way they work.
Higher efficiency
Customized software apps are specifically designed to meet business needs that can smoothen the haywire business process. Since the applications are already programmed the way business functions, they know their jobs and hence the businesses can achieve better productivity, efficiency, and a competitive edge over their peers.
Unlimited Customization
Businesses are free to develop whatever they want using the potency of custom software development. Custom apps provide unlimited customization facilities and various other benefits against limited customization options when compared to off-the-shelf products.
Better Integration
Application up-gradation or modernization with the development of custom apps strongly binds the existing IT infrastructure and integrates seamlessly with other applications and programs with minimal cost and time investments.
Customized applications are considered the most stable and flexible applications. With the growth of the organization, custom apps grow equally by incorporating the latest features and enhancing the processes. In turn, if customized applications are developed suitably give longer life and offer software scalability.
Data Access
Access to data through the developed application is complex, especially when the application is ready-made and doesn’t allow customization. While on the other hand, if we use custom applications, access rights can be easily managed from scratch at granular levels.